It?s not easy being a mom. Add a global pandemic and an economic shutdown to the mix and, all of a sudden, mom?s job becomes so much harder. Moms are often care givers, providers, educators, chefs, and housekeepers as well as employees or small business owners, all at once.
Isolating with my daughter?s family?with two boys ages 3 years and 9 months?who seven weeks ago moved in with us until it is safer for them to go back home, I have witnessed firsthand my daughter?s daily workload while also dealing with the distress and anxiety this pandemic has brought, and I have also seen the joy that parenthood gives her. My youngest daughter?who is also a full-time Interlink staff member and just had her new baby girl under lockdown?will no doubt agree.
Mother?s Day feels different this year. We may need to celebrate the mothers in our lives under lockdown, and sometimes at a great distance. Below are some of my family?s favorite gift books by authors who honor their mothers on every page, carrying on their traditions from afar. We hope they inspire you to share stories, learn from your mother, appreciate your time together, or look forward to shared meals once again.
Sending all moms out there our warmest wishes for a Happy Mother?s Day! We are still offering free shipping during the lockdown period, and now offer eGift cards as well.
Thank you for your support.
Stay safe,
Michel Moushabeck
Provence: The Cookbook
by Caroline Rimbert Craig
?My culinary education involved watching and helping the older generation of women in my family in the kitchen, seeing things transform in the pan, tasting, noticing how a recipe was adapted…? READ MORE

Salt & Time: Recipes from a Russian Kitchen by Alissa Timoshkina
?A renowned Russian food historian, William Pokhlebkin (whose pen name derives from the Russian word for ?stew?), claimed that one could spot a happy family by the presence or absence of soups in their meals. My mom, aware of that opinion, prides herself on the fact that in her household there is always soup on any given day of the year.?.? READ MORE

Palestine on a Plate: Memories from My Mother?s Kitchen by Joudie Kalla
?I love the commitment and love she has for all of us. She always makes our favorite foods when we have been missed and I now do the same when I am missing her.? READ MORE

Carpathia: Food from the Heart of Romania by Irina Georgescu
“I have kept as close as possible to the traditional ingredients and flavors, how my mom used to cook? Food is a way of remembering our roots and bringing back memories. To us food brings comfort and the sweet feeling of belonging, wherever and whoever we are.” READ MORE