Book Size: 5.25" x 8"

Pages: 256

Format: Hardback & Paperback

ISBN: 9781566562201 HB
ISBN: 9781566562201v PB

Imprint: Interlink Books

Edition: 1


Pillars of Salt


Paperback $ 15.00 | Hardback $ 29.95

“A brilliant Jordanian writer.” — Malcolm Bradbury

“This is a powerful and distinctive piece of writing, melding the recent history of the country with the continuing personal and political oppression of Arab women.” — The Sunday Times (London)

About this book

Pillars of Salt is the story of two women confined in a mental hospital in Jordan during and after the British Mandate. After initial tensions they become friends and share their life stories.


About the author

Fadia Faqir was born in Amman, Jordan in 1956. She is at present working on her third novel and teaching Arabic literature at Durham University Britain.


“A brilliant Jordanian writer.” — Malcolm Bradbury “

“This is a powerful and distinctive piece of writing, melding the recent history of the country with the continuing personal and political oppression of Arab women.” — The Sunday Times (London)

“Told in a passionate, breathtaking, masterful style- it shows real talent and mastery at storytelling.” — World Literature Today