“A gripping memoir that tells a powerful conversion story of a white evangelical Christian who came to dedicate his life and career for the cause of justice in Palestine with all the ups and downs that comes with such a dedication. A must read for anyone looking for an eyewitness account of major political and religious developments in the modern Middle East and for firsthand insights into the early years of Christian and Human rights advocacy for Palestine in the United States.” –Rev. Prof. Dr. Mitri Raheb, President, Dar. al-Kalima University, Bethlehem, Palestine
“Don Wagner’s personal journey on the road to justice for all in the Century-long struggle between Palestine and Israel, and between Arabism and Zionism, is compelling for several reasons. It is a unique combination of personal awakening and the real issues involved that must be resolved. It uncovers the wider forces of ignorance, colonialism, incompetence and brutality by many parties that have allowed the conflict to persist for so long. His own grasp of the truth that powered his battle for justice for all is likely to be a microcosm of what the warring parties and their backers must eventually experience for human dignity, justice for all, and God’s love and peace to reign in this tortured land.” —Rami G Khouri, American University of Beirut
“Donald Wagner offers us a memoir that is beautifully written, carefully nuanced, and deeply moving. It is his story about how he grew from a conservative Christian home to become an assertive and engaged advocate for Palestinian rights. Along the way he shows the ways in which Christian Zionism, a legitimator of U.S. policy, skews political realty in ‘the holy land,’ and the way in which truth-telling, well beyond such beguiling ideology, is an urgent requirement among us. More than a memoir, this welcome book is a model narrative of how we are summoned to go beyond safe ideological assumption to engagement in the deep pain and odd possibilities of our human world. All of this from an effective advocate who, before he finished, was denied tenure on the basis of his faithful conviction and practice.” —Walter Brueggemann, Columbia Seminary
“This memoir is a testimony to the integrity of its author who spent most of his life’s journey witnessing for the truth about the Palestinian struggle for justice and liberation. In a lucid account that stimulates and provokes the reader, Don dismantles/critiques the ‘heresy’ of Christian Zionism and proclaims that God is glorified in the liberation of the �lowest�…A brave journey anchored in truth and driven by justice for Palestine; a spiritual pilgrimage and a theological transformation in favor of the ‘lowest.’ This book is inspiring. Don�s commitment to justice and liberation for the ‘lowesy’ permeates this memoir. Readers will find Don’s lucid critique about Christian Zionism stimulating and provocative.” —Rev. Dr. Naim Ateek, Co-founder of Sabeel–Jerusalem and author of Justice and Only Justice
“A powerful personal testimony and an incisive political history…And like Don Wagner, it embodies compassion, intelligence, conviction and courage. Christians, Jews–or anyone concerned with justice in Israel/Palestine–would do well to read this book.” —Rabbi Brant Rosen, Tzedek Synagogue, Chicago
“Don Wagner has had the courage to listen to Palestinians, and to speak the truth about Palestine at the times and in the places where silence would have been much easier and more advantageous. He has personally borne witness to key events in the history of the Palestinians and the people of the region, especially Israel’s horrifying 1982 invasion of Lebanon. Throughout, he has walked unwaveringly by their side. In sharing this journey through these pages, Don gives us the treasured gift of insights from what he has seen and done and true hope that justice is still ours to win, together.” —Ali Abunimah, Co-founder, Electronic Intifada and author of One Country
“A profound and deeply moving personal account that embraces faith and justice to fearlessly exit the indoctrination of political Jewish and Christian Zionism. Evangelical Christians beware! This book will shake your understanding of Israel to its foundations–for the better of yourself and us all.” —Sam Bahour, writer, businessperson, activist
“If you have never read a single book about the struggle for justice and peace in Israel and Palestine, this is the one I hope you’ll read. If you’ve read a lot, and are about to give up hope, this is also the book I hope you’ll read. It not only helps you understand the situation in the so-called Holy Land; it also helps you feel the pain, the longing, the courage, and the love of good people working, praying, and giving their lives to bend the arc of history toward justice. Don Wagner educates and inspires me, and this book will educate and inspire you too.” —Brian D. McLaren, author of Faith after Doubt
“Eye-opening, heart-moving … This is the engrossing story, briskly told, of someone whose experience in the Middle East transformed him from ‘an apathetic, conservative evangelical Christian’ to an energetic and courageous advocate of justice for the Palestinians, with an embrace of liberation theology in between. But it is more, much more, than just Don Wagner�s story of his spiritual and intellectual journey. Along the way it identifies Christian zionism as the root cause of the indifference of American Christians to the oppression of the Palestinians, uncovers its origins, and develops a compelling case against this ‘heresy.'” —Nicholas Wolterstorff, Emeritus Professor of Philosophical Theology, Yale University
“These are the notes from a modern prophet: often inspiring, frequently passionate, occasionally angry, sometimes generating heated disagreement. Some may not accept every one of Wagner’s views, but still, they deserve close reading since they stem from someone who has had a front-row seat in this torturous conflict for decades.” —Gary M. Burge, Ph.D., Calvin Theological Seminary